Injuries seen in my office fall into three general categories: Acute, Repetitive Strain, and Chronic
Acute injuries
Acute injuries occur when a body tissue (muscle, tendon, or ligament) is exposed to stress or strain beyond its anatomic limits. The individual can usually recall the exact moment in which the injury occurred. Redness, pain, swelling, heat, and loss of function are the hallmark signs of inflammation associated with acute injury. While it is a necessary process for tissue repair, prolonged or excessive inflammation leads to increased pain, scar tissue, and prolonged healing time. Early and appropriate care can greatly improve healing time as well as minimize the chance of recurrence.
Repetitive strain injuries
Repetitive strain injury occurs when the rate/amount of repetitive insult to muscle, tendon, ligament or bone occurs at a greater rate then the time it takes to heal. Once inflammation is under control, tissues must be subjected to progressive increase in load, to better prepare them for return to daily function and sport.
Chronic injuries
Chronic injuries are typically classified as those lasting longer then 3 months duration. Chronic pain is poorly managed pharmacologically. An appropriate treatment regimen along with a rehabilitation plan can be effective in treating chronic issues. It is important to come up with a plan of action to reduce symptoms rather then relying on never ending treatment plans which can create an unhealthy dependence on the provider.
"I came to Dr. Ruck late 2015 as competitive Masters runner with a suspected High Hamstring injury with constant discomfort, especially pain after running. He agreed it was High Hamstring and I started an array of treatments. Dr. Ruck gave me a specific "homework" rehab and strengthening plan. I started that night! He also, wanted to know the extent of my injury, so he ordered an MRI. The test results showed it had advanced to the dreaded High Hamstring Tendinopathy with four tears. His plan was to strengthen the surrounding muscles while re-modeling the damaged tissue. I took 8 weeks off from running. I truly believed my racing days were over. I started racing again in Feb. 2016. I have some discomfort after running occasionally, but thanks to Dr. Ruck's knowledge, plus his prescribed re-hab routine, I am happy to report I have comeback a stronger runner and am racing fast at 53-almost as fast my late 30's and early 40's, my "PR years". I have so much confidence in his abilities to diagnose and implement effective treatments, that I have referred three fellow runners, who are healing. Follow his plan and you can get back to your activities".
Suzanne La Burt
Greenwood Lake, NY